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Swedens Long Road To Nato

Turkey and Hungary Lift Objections to Sweden's NATO Membership

Sweden's Long Road to NATO

After months of opposition, Turkey and Hungary have finally lifted their objections to Sweden's bid to join NATO. The move marks a significant step forward in the process, which has been delayed by concerns over terrorism and human rights.

Orban's Change of Heart

Hungary's Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, has been one of the most vocal critics of Sweden's NATO application. However, he recently reversed his stance, saying that he now supports Sweden's membership.

Turkey's Conditions

Turkey had previously blocked Sweden's NATO bid, citing concerns about the country's support for Kurdish militants. Turkey has demanded that Sweden extradite certain individuals and lift arms restrictions on Turkey as conditions for approving its membership.

Remaining Challenges

Despite the progress made, Sweden still faces challenges in its NATO accession process. The country must now complete the ratification process in all 30 NATO member states.
